The scooter is one of the most popular play vehicles for children

It is a type of bicycle, but without pedals. This is a comfortable and safe means of transportation that allows children to enjoy speed and freedom of movement.

The main advantage of a scooter for a child is that it helps develop coordination and balance. While riding, the child must be able to give his body one or another command to maintain the balance of the scooter. This requires coordination of movements between the arms and legs, which promotes motor development and improves motor coordination in babies.

Scooters for children are usually made of lightweight and durable materials such as aluminum or steel. This makes them lightweight, but at the same time durable and reliable. Scooter components such as handlebars, wheels and platform should also be made of quality materials to ensure safety and durability of use.


Safety is a key aspect when choosing a scooter for your child. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to such characteristics as the presence of a braking device, adjustable steering wheel height, the presence of a footrest and a carrying handle. All these additional features contribute to the comfortable and safe use of the scooter.

For novice scooter users, especially small children, it is important to choose models with a low platform. This allows you to easily and safely get on the scooter without experiencing balance difficulties.For more experienced children, there are scooters with a high platform that allow them to move more actively and quickly.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the diameter of the wheels and the material from which they are made. Large wheels allow for easy movement and a smoother ride on uneven surfaces, and wheel materials must be durable and shock-absorbing to provide a durable and comfortable ride. In general, a scooter for a child is not only a means of transportation, but also a tool for developing motor skills, coordination and balance in children.

Children's scooter from ChildScooter is your ideal choice


We attach great importance to ergonomic design and details that make the use of our scooters as comfortable and convenient as possible.


We are proud that hundreds of satisfied parents and children have already chosen Childscooter scooters. Join our community and let your child experience the joy of riding a scooter today!


Our company is founded on the principles of safety, reliability and innovation. Each Childscooter scooter model undergoes strict quality control and undergoes rigorous testing and testing before being released onto the market.


By choosing a Childscooter, you not only get an excellent tool for active pastime, but also help develop your child's coordination, balance and physical fitness. Our products help children learn to control their bodies and develop strength and agility.

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Our client about us and
our scooter for children


"Overall, my purchase from ChildScooter exceeded my expectations. The company provides excellent quality scooters coupled with impeccable customer service. I would confidently recommend ChildScooter to anyone looking for a reliable, high quality scooter supplier. Their professionalism, wide range and customer care place them firmly at the top of the industry."

Choosing a scooter for your child

age category

First of all, you need to decide on the age category of the scooter. For the youngest children, aged 1 to 3 years, three-wheeled models are suitable. They have stability and help develop coordination of movements. For children over 3 years old, you can choose two-wheeled scooters, but with adjustable handlebar height.


The second important criterion is the materials from which the scooter is made. To ensure the safety of the child, it is important to choose models with a durable metal frame and reliable wheels made of high quality plastic. Such scooters can withstand heavy loads and long-term use.

safety and stability

The third factor is the safety and stability of the scooter. It is important to pay attention to the presence of a brake, which will allow the child to control the speed. It is also recommended to choose models with a reliable steering wheel adjustment system to adjust it to the child’s height and preferences. The presence of a special leg mount also contributes to the safety of using the scooter.

Additional options

Additional options and accessories can be a pleasant addition to choosing a scooter. For example, the presence of a backlight, a bell or a special backpack for transportation. However, it is worth remembering that the main thing is the functionality and safety of the scooter.

individual characteristics

When choosing a scooter for a child, it is also necessary to take into account its individual characteristics. The age, height of the child, his coordination of movements - all these factors can influence the choice of the appropriate scooter model.

responsible decision

Thus, choosing a scooter for a child is a responsible and important decision. By following the above recommendations and taking into account the needs and characteristics of each child, you can choose a scooter that will not only attract his attention, but will also become a useful and safe means for active games and development

Make your lifestyle special
with us, ChildScooter!

We understand that children not only want to ride scooters, but also to stand out from the crowd. That's why we offer unique designs and bright colors so that every child can express their personality and become a real star in the park or on the street.

Our company provides full support and satisfaction to the needs of our customers. We help with choosing a scooter, provide high-quality advice and are guaranteed to follow the principle “the customer is always right.” We are proud of our professional team of experienced employees who are always ready to help and answer your questions.

Investment in the safetys

ChildScooter is not just scooters, it is an investment in the safety and joy of your child.We are proud to say that our scooters meet the highest safety standards and undergo rigorous testing before being put into your hands. We understand that your child's safety is the most important thing, and that's why we don't compromise.

Principles of innovation

Founded on the principles of innovation and quality, the ChildrenScooter brand has consistently strived to offer our customers scooters that reflect the latest technological advancements and designs in the industry. We are proud that our scooters are of impeccable quality and always attractive in appearance.
