Terms and Conditions for our site

Please read these User Agreement carefully before using our site. This agreement sets out the terms on which you may use our site. If you do not agree to these terms, we ask you to stop using the site immediately.

1. User agreement

1.1. Use of our site constitutes full acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in this User Agreement. If you do not agree with any of these terms, please do not use this site.

1.2. Age rating of the site. You must be at least 18 years of age to use our site. If you are under this age, you must seek permission from your parent or legal guardian to use the Site.

1.3. We reserve the right to make changes to this text of the User Agreement at our discretion. You are encouraged to periodically review the current version of the User Agreement on our website.

2. Intellectual property

2.1. All materials presented on our website are objects of intellectual property and are protected by copyright. Copying, distribution, modification, publication or use in any other form of materials without the prior written consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.

2.2. You agree not to use our materials for commercial purposes without our written permission.

3. Privacy

3.1.We maintain a privacy policy that describes what personal information we collect, how we use it, and the protection we provide for that information. Please read our privacy policy to review these terms.

3.2. We guarantee that we will not transfer your personal data to third parties without your prior consent, except in situations required by law.

4. Limitation of liability

4.1. We are not responsible for any damage you may suffer as a result of using our site or its materials.

4.2. We reserve the right to restrict or terminate access to the site temporarily or permanently without prior notice.

5. Final provisions

5.1. This User Agreement is a legally binding document governing the relationship between you and us regarding the use of our site.

5.2. If any disputes arise regarding the use of our site, the parties must make every effort to resolve them through negotiations.

5.3. If any provision of this User Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement will remain in effect.

Thank you for reading our User Agreement. We hope that using our site will bring you useful knowledge and pleasure.